With the new remodel of the library, new furniture was part of the improvements. The old desk chairs, arm-chairs and couches were acceptable and functional, though definitely showing wear. Now, the new chairs at all of the computers are ones that you can sit in without feeling like you're sitting in a chair for hours on end. But what I am so keenly interested in are the new "arm chairs". I dubbed them the "doughnut chairs". The basic concept is a half-sphere, with a slightly pushed out bottom and back with cushions to seat a human. On a tour of the library, it was revealed that the designer calls them "The Womb." One full grown man could easily curl in a fetal position and fall asleep (the down fall of studying in these chairs: sleeping comes easily). Each chair is built to withstand decades of wear, costing near $3,000 (yes a comma in the price) each.
We don't skimp here when it comes to a student's education (or comfort).