Be Safe
- Plan extra time on your schedule to prevent being in a rush. Most accidents occur due to inattention or being in a hurry.
- Remove snows from shoes before entering any building.
- Always use a handrail when climbing up and down stairs.
- Always use handrail when getting in and out of buildings, vehicles or public transportation.
- Wear footwear with traction, consider Yax Trax or something similar.
Be Smart
- Walk at a slower pace.
- Stay on designated walkways.
- Watch and avoid slippery surfaces.
Be Seen
- Wait for vehicles to make a complete stop before crossing the road.
- Wear visible clothing especially at night or during heavy snow.
If you fall relax and try to fall as limply as possible. Avoid using your arms to stop your fall. (Does anyone else see an image of a rag doll? Seriously, the first thing I think when I slip is "oh crap!" not "oh, I should relax, just like in the bath...")
Driving a Vehicle
- Avoid driving with snow "peep holes".
- Make the time to completely clear the snow and ice off your vehicle. Start from the roof, all windows, hood, trunk, turn signals, head and taillights, mirrors and fenders.
- Leave sufficient distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you to allow manueverability and avoid possible collision. Give enough space so you can stop sooner
- Slow down. Roads may be slippery due to black ice.
- Avoid making abrupt lane changes.
- Avoid any distractions when driving such as using your cellphone.
Umm, thanks. I'll do my best.