On a more personal note, there once was something called the "Choir Lunch Table." Those who were involved in the Concert Choir at the Institute of Religion are familiar with this term. This phenomenon was created before my time, so here I give only a personal account, not a complete history. (Those who are more familiar with the pre-2006 events are welcome to add) Rehearsals were held each day at 10:45am. Those who were able then flocked to the Deli to grab cheap, yet delicious lunch items. A round table was chosen, and chairs were smashed together to fit each and every soul. You would quickly get to know those who were unfamiliar simply by being nearly smashed legs and arms together as you ate. Many times a greater number than room allowed would come, and then formed what we dubbed "orbiters." There was always room for one more at the Choir Lunch Table.
Sometimes, one choirman would find a table before the rest arrived. Other students at the Institute would ask to sit at the table with the choirman, and of course be welcome. Within five minutes, the poor student's eyes would widen when 8 or more people would join them at the table, all chatting and laughing. One was never lonely with a choir group!
Sadly, during the past year the lunch table diminished in popularity. The size of the choir shrank, some graduate and moved on, or were simply occupied elsewhere. On occasion the table was resurrected to it's full glory.
This year, the rehearsal time has moved to the late afternoon, and the tables now sit bare and lonely during lunch. The mixes of uneaten food, the explosion of laughter, the tall stacks of garbage that would sit in the middle of the table, and the instant, yet increasing and deep bonds of friendship around the choir table will be greatly missed. The memory lives on in the hearts of those who were once members of the infamous Choir Lunch Table.